We’d love to invite you to join Community Research, the New Zealand Council of Social Services and the Social Development Partners, for a discussion of the current environment, and the considerable impact it is having on community organisations, in Masterton on Tuesday 11 June.
We will discuss our national perspectives on key issues for the community sector, and how to best link with your local experiences on issues such as:
- Government priorities and social policy targets are impacting on our services and funding.
- Increased focus on regulation and structure is creating greater compliance demands, and need for professional expertise.
- Challenges of evidence-based and outcome-related approaches on planning and reporting systems.
- Increased focus on local community resilience and sustainability is changing the environment in which we are operating.
The Masterton Safe and Healthy Community Council is hosting us on Tuesday 11 June
in the Frank Cody Lounge, Masterton Town Hall, at 1.00pm. The session will finish by
3.00pm, followed by afternoon tea.
RSVP to ed [at] socialdevelopment.org.nz by Friday 7 June