You’re invited to join Community Research, the New Zealand Council of Social Services and the Social Development Partners, for a discussion of the current environment, and the considerable impact it is having on community organisations, in Invercargill on Thursday 9 May.
We will discuss our national perspectives on key issues for the community sector, and how to best link with your local experiences on issues such as:
* Government priorities and social policy targets are impacting on our services and funding.
* Increased focus on regulation and structure is creating greater compliance demands, and need for professional expertise.
* Challenges of evidence-based and outcome-related approaches on planning and reporting systems.
* Increased focus on local community resilience and sustainability is changing the environment in which we are operating.
The Southland Interagency Forum is hosting us on Thursday 9 May at the Council Chambers, Invercargill City Council, First Floor, Civic Administration Building, 101 Esk Street, Invercargill, starting with morning tea at 10:00AM. Session will finish by 12:30PM.
RSVP to ed@socialdevelopment.org.nz by Wednesday 1 May.
For more information click here Invitation-Southland
We look forward to speaking with you there.