
Natalie Allen

Dr Natalie Allen is a director at The Urban Advisory, an urban strategy consultancy that specialises in regeneration and housing strategy. She and her team work alongside diverse clients across built environment scales, from National and Local Government to developers and community groups, to deliver neighbourhoods and built environment projects that have a clear evidence-base underpinning their design. This includes developing bespoke, actionable research that is community-led and responsive to evolving community needs.

With a research Masters in Architecture and a PhD in urban design, Natalie regularly publishes and speaks about her work across New Zealand. Natalie’s doctoral research was focussed on understanding housing needs and choices and the role urban amenities play in our neighbourhoods to enhance the liveability experienced by residents. She also worked as a contract researcher and community engagement coordinator for 8 years prior to starting The Urban Advisory.

Current research she and the team at The Urban Advisory have been developing include the codesign of community visioning projects, housing choices and preferences research, understanding community-focused housing models and resident experiences of them, and designing for wellbeing.

Location: Auckland and Wellington but available throughout New Zealand.

Qualifications: BAS, Barch hons), MArch(hons), PhD Urban Design

Area of expertise: Community development, wellbeing, built environment research, neighbourhood research, housing research, community visioning

Bachelor Degree, Masters Degree, PhD or Doctorate
Area of Expertise
Environment, Housing & Homelessness, Community Development, Health & Wellbeing
Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland), Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington)
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