
Nadeera Ranabahu

I am a researcher at University of Canterbury. My main research focus is disadvantaged or under-represented groups in entrepreneurship, employment and innovation. Examples of such groups include women, refugees, youth/students, migrants or ethnic minorities or low-income people. I study employment of disadvantaged people and how these groups sustain entrepreneurial/innovative actions from a macro or micro perspective. In addition, I study the impact of innovative initiatives (e.g., microfinance, FinTech), targeted on such disadvantaged groups, to promote entrepreneurship and employment. I also study responsible innovation and ways which disadvantaged/under-represented groups could be incorporated into the innovation journey.

Dr Nadeera Ranabahu kindly shared her story with Community Research.  Read more here.

Ethnic Group
PhD or Doctorate
Area of Expertise
Ethnic Migrant and Former Refugee
Waitaha (Canterbury)
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