
Marg Wilkie

I grew up in Te Awakairangi (Lower Hutt) and studied at Victoria University of Wellington. I worked in Community Development and coordinated and managed Vocational Education and Training. I completed my PhD in 2010 with a Kaupapa Māori approach to Māori students achieving degrees in Information Technologies. From 2011-2013, I was a Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellow with Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi in Whakatane teaching in Research Methods and Methodologies and supervising Masters and Doctoral candidates. From 2013-2017 I worked as a Researcher, Leadership Development Manager, and Educator with Te Rau Matatini an NGO. A highlight was in 2015 I facilitated the programme for the Healing Our Spirits Worldwide The Seventh Gathering International Conference in Kirikiriroa, Hamilton. Another highlight was creating 100 Māori Leaders, an online resource about leadership, especially in Hauora Māori (Health). In 2017-18, and 2020 to present I am a Senior Researcher in the Research Centre for Hauora and Health at Massey University and an accredited and certificated doctoral supervisor. I contributed to the 2020 articles on the Māori Home Injury Prevention Intervention which are published in open source Journals online. As an independent researcher I recently completed an Evaluation of the ManaiaSAFE Forestry School (2019) and contributed video recorded oral histories and Kaupapa Māori research and analysis in 5 Te Takutai Moana Marine and Coastal Area claims heard by the High Court in Rotorua in 2020. Areas of expertise: Kairangahau Kaupapa Māori (Researcher), Hauora Māori, Māori higher academic success, Accredited postgraduate supervisor (Massey University), applied research and evaluation. 

Masters Degree, PhD or Doctorate, Post-Graduate Diploma, All Researchers
Area of Expertise
Māori, Research and Evaluation, Families/ Whānau & Parenting, Education & Training, Community Development, Cultural Diversity, Governance & Kaitiakitanga, Whānau Ora, Health & Wellbeing, ICT Information & Communication Technology, I offer Research Mentoring
Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington)
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