
Madeline Shelling

Kia Ora!
Ko Madeline tōku ingoa =) He uri tēnei nō Ngāti Porou, heoi i tipu ake au ki Kaipara, ā, ināianei kei te noho au ki Ōtautahi!
I am currently a part time researcher at Ihi Research, a full time PhD student at the University of Auckland, and a full time Crossfit Athlete, currently competing at nationally and internationally. That adds up to a lot of time, but luckily I am nearly finished my PhD!
My undergrad and Honours were specialising in Geography and Environmental Management, with a side of Development Studies. My PhD is focussing on Reconceptualising and Reindigenising Food Security and Food Sovereignty in New Zealand.

Ethnic Group
Bachelor Degree, PhD or Doctorate, Other Qualification
Waitaha (Canterbury)
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