
Liz Gordon

Managing Director, Pukeko Research Ltd. We do research across the education, social services and justice sectors. I research in the areas of law and justice, sexual harm, alcohol harm, wahine toa and a range of other areas. See website for further details.

Ethnic Group
New Zealand European/ Pākeha
Bachelor Degree, Masters Degree, PhD or Doctorate, All Researchers
Professional Memberships
New Zealand Association for Research in Education
Area of Expertise
Non-profit Sector, Māori, Law & Justice, Families/ Whānau & Parenting, Children & Youth, Human Rights & Civil Liberties, Education & Training, Social Services, Women / Wāhine, Community Development, Cultural Diversity, Health & Wellbeing, Disability - whaikawa, Poverty & Wealth, I offer Research Mentoring
Waitaha (Canterbury)
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