
Leane Makey

Ko Dr Leane Makey ahau. Ko Ngāti Pākehā te iwi. Ko Hoteo te awa. Ko Kaipara te moana. Ko Atuanui te maunga. Kei Kaipara Flats te kainga. I am a Research Fellow at the University of Auckland. Kia ora tatou katoa. I have a PhD (environmental science) from University of Auckland (2021), a Bachelor of Science with Honours (1995) and a Bachelor of Science (1994) (marine biology) from James Cook University, Australia. I have 25 years’ experience in ecosystem management, restoration and research of catchments, harbours, species, rivers and ecosystems. I specialise in critical social-environmental geographies understanding the intersections/interconnections of ecosystem change with social, gender, economic and cultural dimensions.

Ethnic Group
New Zealand European/ Pākeha
PhD or Doctorate
Te Tai Tokerau (Northland), Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland)
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