
Julie Wharewera-Mika

Julie Wharewera-Mika (DClinPsy; Ngāti Awa, Ngāi Tuhoe, Te Whānau-a-Apanui) is a Director, Senior Clinical Psychologist and Kaupapa Researcher with Manu Ārahi – The Flying Doctors (Kaupapa Māori Psychology & Research Consultancy). Passionate about addressing inequity and enhancing wellbeing for Māori, Julie’s current mahi is centered around wellbeing system transformation.
Her doctoral research (2012) investigated Māori experiences of acute mental health services in Aotearoa, and she completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship with Brain Research NZ investigating whanau experiences of mate wareware (dementia) (2020). Julie also led the TOAH-NNEST ‘Good Practice Guidelines for Sexual Violence Crisis Services’ community-led research project (2014).

Ethnic Group
PhD or Doctorate
Area of Expertise
Non-profit Sector
Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland)
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