
Janet Taiatini

Kia Ora koutou. I am a registered Nurse and Midwife currently working part time in Te Ara o Hine Tapu Ora.
This is Pastoral care of Maaori and Pasifika midwifery tauira at Wintec and is a contract until March 2025.
I am currently a Midwifery standards reviewer, and on the Nz College of Midwives Research Committee.
I have a passion for the environment, having completing a Bach of Iwi Environmental management in 2009. This has enabled me to have a sustainable lens for the Ahu Whenua Trust positions I carry.
I am always learning and enjoy reading and collecting books that have an information whakaaro.
I am keen to be publishing and writing more.

Ethnic Group
Bachelor Degree, Masters Degree
Waikato, Te Moana-a-Toi (Bay of Plenty)
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