
James Berghan

Kia ora koutou,
Ko James Berghan tōku ingoa. Nō Te Tai Tokerau ahau, engari, kei Ōtepoti tāku kāinga ināianei. He pūkenga ahau ki Te Whare Wānanga o Otago. I research and teach urban design, planning, and research methods in the School of Surveying, University of Otago. My main research area is around papakāinga and cohousing development, but I also have a keen interest in research methods and how research is done. I am excited to join this database, to hear more about the amazing community research being undertaken around the motu and to offer my support anywhere I can!
Ngā mihi,

Ethnic Group
PhD or Doctorate
Ōtākou (Otago Region)
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