
Gillian White (Dr)

40 years in health services and academic research including supervision of Masters and Doctoral theses and examination of same.
30 completed research projects. 53 international and national peer-reviewed publications
Areas of expertise: Health Education, Research (mixed methods), Quality Improvement, Community Health (maternal and child health, postnatal depression, cancer)

Currently employed:
Contracted as Interim Research Director, Health Solutions Trust

Recent research: The development, implementation and evaluation of an enhanced digital alcohol screening protocol for primary Health care settings (Health Solutions Trust, Auckland University and Massey University with HPA funding)
Development of Whanganui Health Research Collaborative (Lead Researcher, HST with HRC funding)
Equity-focused implementation of the Best Start approach and assessment tool in early pregnancy (HST, Whanganui District Health Board with HRC funding)—in progress.

Qualifications: SCM (UK) RM (NZ) MTD Cert Ad Ed BEd DipSocSci (Psych) MA (Education 1st Class Hons) PhD in Community Health

Ethnic Group
New Zealand European/ Pākeha
Certificate or Diploma, Bachelor Degree, Masters Degree, PhD or Doctorate, All Researchers
Professional Memberships
Honorary Professorships at Bournemouth University and Universidade de Caxias de Sol, Brazil on research projects. Research Manager, Dept of General Practice, Community and Rural Health, University of Tasmania Research Manager, Dept of General Practice, Auckland University Reviewer for a number of SAGE journals Advisor (Professor, Education and Research) Ministry of Health, Sultanate of Oman (2006 - 2014)
Area of Expertise
Non-profit Sector, Volunteering / Mahi Aroha, Research and Evaluation, Mentoring, Mental Health, Families/ Whānau & Parenting, Education & Training, Women / Wāhine, Community Development, Cultural Diversity, Health & Wellbeing, I offer Research Mentoring
Manawatū - Whanganui
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