
Deb J Hill (Dr)

I am a graphic designer and researcher working out of the Whanganui Learning Centre’s Creative Hub. I design graphic resources that are easy to read and easy to understand for an everyday audience. This work has come from my 25+ years as a Political Philosopher of Education. Cartoons and graphics are easier to understand than pages and pages of text. Whether it’s creating a guide for secondary or tertiary students to understand what counts as “plagiarism” or a little booklet introducing “deep thinking”, that’s what I am creating. These are available on the Ako Aotearoa website as a free download by the way

Areas of expertise: Education for Critical Consciousness; Critical Thinking; Systems of Thought; Tertiary Education; Educational Studies; Education and Indoctrination; Education for Self-Determination; Freedom, Education and Social Control; Social Issues in Aotearoa/New Zealand; Alternatives within Educational Systems; The Theoretical Underpinnings of Research Methodologies.

Bachelor Degree, Masters Degree, PhD or Doctorate, All Researchers
Area of Expertise
Non-profit Sector, Research and Evaluation, Education & Training
Manawatū - Whanganui
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