
Carolyn Cordery (Dr)

Carolyn Cordery’s research interests are focused on Not for Profit accounting and accountability, incorporating financial and non-financial reporting, regulation, and governance. She is an Adjunct Professor at Victoria University and Chair of the New Zealand Accounting Standards Board.

Key publications:

Pothipala, F., Keerasuntonpong, P. & Cordery, C. ‘Alleviating social and economic inequality? The role of Social Enterprises.

Breen, O., Cordery, C.J., Crawford, L. & Morgan, G. ‘Should NPOs follow international standards for financial reporting? A multinational study of views’ Voluntas, 29(6), 1330-1346.

Cordery, C.J. & Deguchi, M. ‘Charity Registration and Reporting: A cross-jurisdictional and theoretical analysis of regulatory impact’ Public Management Review, 29(9), 1332-1352. 2017.

Mack, J., Morgan, G.G., Breen, O., Cordery, C. ‘Financial Reporting by Charities: A Matched Case Study Analysis from Four Countries’ Public Money & Management, (Special Issue on the Future of Charities), 37(3), 165-172.

Cordery, C. J., Sim, D., & van Zijl, T. ‘Differentiated Regulation: the case of charities’ Accounting and Finance, 57(1), 131-164. 2016

Cordery, C. J., Fowler, C.J. & Morgan, G.G. ‘The development of incorporated structures for charities: a 100 year comparison of England and New Zealand’ Accounting History, 21(2/3) 281-303. 2014.

Cordery, C.J. & Sim, D. ‘Cash or Accrual: What basis for small and medium-sized charities’ accounting?’ Third Sector Review 20(2) 79-105.

Cordery, C.J., Baskerville, R.F., and Porter, B.A. (2010) ‘Control or collaboration? Contrasting accountability relationships in the primary health care sector’ Accounting, Auditing, and Accountability Journal, 23(6), 793-813.

Cordery, C.J. and Baskerville, R.F. (forthcoming) ‘Charity transgressions, trust and accountability’ Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.

Sutton, D.B., Baskerville, R.F. and Cordery, C.J. (2010) ‘A Development agenda, the donor dollar, and voluntary failure’ Accounting, Business and Financial History, 20 (2), 209-229.

Tan, L. & Cordery, C. (2010) ‘A survey of the effects of direct financial costs in volunteering’ Third Sector Review. (survey available from this link), 16(1), 105-124.

Narraway, G. & Cordery, C. (2009) ‘Volunteers, valuable but invisible to accountants?’ Third Sector Review 9(1), 11-29. Cordery, C.J., ‘A Research Note: Exploration of Political Accountability in Primary Health Organisations’ International Journal of Public Policy (IJPP) (Special Issue on Public Sector Accountability and Multiple Network Governance) ‘ 4(3/4), 296-313.

Cordery, C. & Narraway, G. (2008) ‘Conceptual Challenges displayed through the Financial Reporting of Early Childhood Education Centres’ Accounting and the Public Interest, 8, 66-76.

Cordery, C.J. & Baskerville, R.F. (2007) ‘Charity Financial Reporting regulation: a comparative study of the United Kingdom and New Zealand’, Accounting History, 12(1).

Cordery, C., (2006) ‘Hallowed treasures: sacred, secular and the Wesleyan Methodists in New Zealand 1819-1840, Accounting History (Special issue: Accounting and Religion in Historical Perspective), 11(2), 199-220.

Research Grants and Consultancy Sports and Recreation Council (SPARC) New Zealand (25): Financing Sports Organisations in New Zealand: The impact of governors’ choices, 2009.

Tindall Foundation (578): Understanding the profile of Volunteer Co-ordinators, 2010 (with Karen Smith).

Department of Internal Affairs: ‘What works? A Systematic review of research and evaluation literature on encouragement and support of volunteering, 2010 (with Karen Smith).

Bachelor Degree, Masters Degree, PhD or Doctorate, Post-Graduate Diploma, All Researchers
Area of Expertise
Non-profit Sector
Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington)
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