
Cristy Trewartha (Dr)

Kia ora. I am a researcher and change strategist who specialises in supporting communities, NGOs and government to develop, implement and measure community-based approaches to prevent family and sexual violence. I use qualitative and quantitative approaches, and am increasingly interested in research and strategy approaches that equally value tangata whenua and tangata tiriti world views for learning and innovation. I am the Director of Change Strategy and Research, based in Whangārei and work across Aotearoa. My areas of expertise focus around family and sexual violence prevention, community mobilisation, community readiness, and community wellbeing.

Cristy kindly shared her story with Community Research.  Read more here.

Ethnic Group
New Zealand European/ Pākeha
Bachelor Degree, Masters Degree, PhD or Doctorate, Post-Graduate Diploma
Area of Expertise
Non-profit Sector, Research and Evaluation, Family Violence & Abuse, Community Development
Te Tai Tokerau (Northland)

Key Publications

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