
Alejandra Gonzalez Campanella

Alejandra González Campanella holds a PhD in Translation Studies from the University of Auckland (Aotearoa New Zealand) and degrees in Translation, Interpreting, and Intercultural Studies from Universidad de la República (Uruguay) and Universitàt Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain). She is a professional translator and interpreter member of the New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters (NZSTI). In 2022, she completed her doctoral thesis on interpreting for refugees from a trauma-informed approach. She has published journal articles and conference papers on these topics and was a guest editor of Special Issue 27 of IATIS’ New Voices in Translation Studies, which addressed the intersection of trauma and interpreting.

Ethnic Group
Bachelor Degree, Masters Degree, PhD or Doctorate
Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland)
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