This report provides data from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) about secondary school students who reported being involved with Oranga Tamariki or Child Youth and Family Services.
Youth19 is a comprehensive adolescent health and wellbeing survey completed with 7,721 Year 9–13 students in schools and kura kaupapa Māori in the Auckland, Te Tai Tokerau and Waikato education districts in 2019. These school years were previously known as ‘Forms 3–7’. Almost all these students were aged between 13 and 18 years. Robust sampling processes and statistical methods were used to produce prevalence estimates for important health and wellbeing indicators for Year 9-13 students across Aotearoa New Zealand (Fleming et al., 2020; Rivera-Rodriguez et al., 2021). In addition, 92 Alternative Education (AE) students and 78 young people who were not in employment, education, or training (NEET) took part in Youth19. These are smaller samples that were not randomly selected, so results for these participants are reported briefly in a section of this report.