Creator | KaihangaBen Gray, Jo Hilder and Hannah DonaldsonYear of Creation | Tau01/07/2011Publisher | KaiwhakaputaLa Trobe UniversityCreative Commons LicenceAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives CC BY-NC-NDKeywords | KupuCare of limited English proficiency patients; communication barriers; interpreter services; translatingMain Language | Reo MatuaEnglishSubmitter's Rights | Nga Tika o te KaitukuI represent the publisher or owner organisation of this resourceThis Research hasbeen peer reviewed by academics at a universityBibliographic Citation | WhakapuakangaGray, B., Hilder, J., & Donaldson, H., (2011). Why do we not use trained interpreters for all patients with limited English proficiency? Is there a place for using family members? Australian Journal of Primary Health, 17(1), 240-249. La Trobe University.