A introduction and summary of a year long research undertaken for masters thesis exploring the lived experiences of adults who lived with the effect of Selective Mutism and their experiences throughout education.
The purpose of this research was to explore the experiences of adults who have lived with Selective Mutism (SM) throughout their lives, with a focus given to their experience of education and support services. The method that was used in the research was collecting stories via online engagement making use of social media platforms, as to allow participants to have open ended stories. Relying further on a thematic analysis to draw correlation of common themes and also the creation of the Selective Mutism Spectrum (SMS).
The implications of the findings of the research brings attention to adults who had experienced living with Selective Mutism past the age that is suggested in theories and also that this remains a life long issue though initially seen in education. By participant recommendations mean that there is still a need to therapeutic diagnosis and intervention, though is can be achieved easily whilst still at school.