Mental Health Care in many countries is multiply-fragmented. Amongst the players are a variety of professional groups, many different community organizations for service-users and caregivers, as well as commercial enterprises involved in mental heath issues. This chapter, in the recently-published book “Chimes of Time: Wounded Health Professionals Essays on Recovery” (edited by Bruce Kirkcaldy) is my attempt to analyze this confused and uncoordinated area of health care, to challenge (respectfully) the various participants, to suggest ways in which they can start to work together in areas where they have common cause, and to engage in serious, courteous, and rational discourse in the areas where they have different views. I also include the publishers flyer for the book as a whole.


Creator | Kaihanga
Robert Miller
Year of Creation | Tau
Publisher | Kaiwhakaputa
Sidestone Press, Leiden
Creative Commons Licence
Attribution-NoDerivatives CC BY-ND
Keywords | Kupu
community collaboration, mental health, philosophical polarization, holism, psychiatry, NGOs
Main Language | Reo Matua
Submitter's Rights | Nga Tika o te Kaituku
I am the author / creator of this resource
This Research has
been written outside an academic institution
Bibliographic Citation | Whakapuakanga

Miller,R. (2013) Steps towards better colaboration between stakeholders to promote mental health and to alleviate disablement due to mental illness. In: B.Kirkcaldy (ed): Chimes of Time: Wounded Health Professionals Essays on Recovery. Sidestone Press, Leiden, pp. 57-82.

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