Child to Parent Violence and Abuse (CPVA) encompasses a broad range of behaviours that children under the age of 18 display towards their parents/caregivers. The violence can continue into adulthood. This report explores research on CPVA and discusses the assumptions, beliefs and discourses that exist. A lack of awareness, knowledge and support means that if parents seek help, they are often blamed and the violence in their homes minimised. Contemporary research is indicating that there is an overrepresentation of CPVA within the neurodivergent community.
CPVA is a safeguarding issue. Currently, there is no guidance on recognising who is at risk and there are no specific New Zealand programmes to address CPVA. This form of family violence needs to be urgently addressed through policy, research, and support. Discussed in the report are what programmes and resources are being used internationally to respond to CPVA and whether they could be adapted to a New Zealand context.