The Child Cancer Foundation’s 2024 Social Impact Report, in partnership with Huber Social, highlights the significant impact of the Foundation on families navigating their child’s cancer journey. The Foundation offers personalised support for the whole family, focusing on well-being rather than the illness itself. This includes financial assistance, emotional support, accommodation, and community connection. The report identifies four strategic pillars guiding the Foundation’s work: excellence in practice, powerful partnerships, knowledge transfer, and asset development. Huber Social’s measurement framework captures the well-being of families at different stages of their cancer journey, emphasising emotional resilience, community connections, and family relationships.

Key findings reveal that families receiving support from the Foundation experience improved emotional resilience, especially during bereavement, and increased access to necessary services, including financial aid and counselling. While overall well-being remained stable, certain areas like partner relationships and self-care emerged as priority needs. Families expressed high satisfaction with the Foundation’s role in helping them feel understood, connected to their communities, and supported throughout their journey. The report provides a data-driven approach for enhancing support services and improving the lives of families facing paediatric cancer.


Creator | Kaihanga
Huber Social, Child Cancer Foundation
Year of Creation | Tau
Keywords | Kupu
Child cancer, paediatric cancer, family support, wellbeing, social impact, whānau support, emotional resilience, bereavement support, financial assistance, community connection, health services, holistic care, family relationships, counselling services
Main Language | Reo Matua
Submitter's Rights | Nga Tika o te Kaituku
I represent the publisher or owner organisation of this resource
This Research has
been written outside an academic institution
Bibliographic Citation | Whakapuakanga

Child Cancer Foundation., & Huber Social. (2024). Social impact report 2024: The impact of Child Cancer Foundation on the overall wellbeing of families on their paediatric cancer journey. Child Cancer Foundation.

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