Ethnicity and Diversity

Social Policy Journal of New Zealand Issue 37 Te Puna Whakaaro. Chapter ‘Health”. Public Health System Responsiveness to Refugee Groups in New Zealand: Activation from the Bottom Up.

By: Annette Mortensen
Published: 2011-06-01

Issue 37 of the Social Policy Journal of New Zealand comprises research papers on a wide range of topics with implications for policy across the social sector. Research relating to…continue reading

Community Development Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees
Te Ao Māori

A Research Ethic for Studying Maori and Iwi Provider Success

By: Pipi, K & Cram, F & Hawke, R & Hawke, S & Huriwai, TM & Mataki, T, & Milne, M & Morgan, K & Tuhaka, H & Tuuta, C,
Published: 2004-12-01

This paper explores how kaupapa Maori practices were operationalised within Maori and Iwi Providers. It examined the practices of successful Maori and iwi (tribal) providers of services and/or programmes across…continue reading

Education & Training Kaupapa Māori Māori
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