
Evaluation of the Wraparound Service of Te Whakaruruhau.

By: Debbie Goodwin, Neville Robertson, Bridgette Masters-Awatere, Rebekah Graham
Published: 2023-07-23

This evaluation aims to determine the effectiveness of the Wrap-around Service delivered by Te Whakaruruhau. The focus is on improving the health and wellbeing of whānau. The evaluation sought to…

Advocacy Evaluation Social Services

Philanthropy in Australia and Aotearoa 2020-2023

By: John C H Godfrey
Published: 2024-05-27

This short article is a follow-up to an earlier article (Godfrey & Williamson 2020). Linked here Our earlier findings concerning no diminution of philanthropy during recessions, excepting corporates, seems…

Economics & Finances Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector Philanthropy

Introducing Indigenist Critical Policy Analysis: A rights-based approach to analysing public policies and processes

By: Natalie Bryant
Published: 2024-07-01

This paper introduces Indigenist Critical Policy Analysis (ICPA), an adapation of Critical Tiriti Analysis for the Australian context. It takes the five-stage approach but adapts it with different assessment indicators…

Critical Tiriti Analysis Policy

Bisexual and Pansexual Responses: Building Rainbow communities free of partner and sexual violence

By: Sandra Dickinson
Published: 2017

Sex, sexuality and gender diverse communities are increasingly recognised as vulnerable to intimate partner and sexual violence, but very little is known of specific experiences of people from these communities…

Family Violence & Abuse Rainbow/LGBTIQA+
People and Society

Strengthening Our Streets with Manawatahi – Practice Notes

By: Maree Beaven, Kaiya Irvine, Hamish Lindop
Published: 2024-06-07

Strengthening Our Streets is a framework used by Manurewa Local Board to connect and work alongside community. It is supported by Auckland Council’s Community Innovation team through Hamish Lindop, Innovation…

Community Development
Critical Tiriti Analysis

Critical Tiriti Analysis of He Mata Whāriki, He Matawhānui: Review into the Future of Local Government in Aotearoa

By: Heather Came, Hana Wilkinson, Grant Berghan, Leanne Manson
Published: 2024-04-23

Hapū are interested in local government due to their decision-making influence over the cultural, social, economic and environmental wellbeing of a district that can enable or restrict tino rangatiratanga. In…

Critical Tiriti Analysis Māori Te Tiriti O Waitangi
Critical Tiriti Analysis

A Critical Tiriti Analysis of the Treaty Statement From a University in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Logan Hamley, Kyle Tan, Waikaremoana Waitoki, Sarah-Jane Tiakiwai
Published: 2024-02-21

Universities in Aotearoa New Zealand have been placed under the spotlight for claims of systemic racism. Following the claims made in relation to the University of Waikato in 2020 and…

Critical Tiriti Analysis Education & Training Te Tiriti O Waitangi

Community Case Studies Research Report : Tairāwhiti Climate Adaptation Planning Project

By: Te Weu Charitable Trust in cooperation with the Gisborne District Council
Published: 2024-05-13

Extreme weather events have become more frequent with climate change. The East Coast has been particularly hard hit in recent years. In early 2023 the Gisborne District Council commissioned Te…

Climate Change Community & Place Community Development Emergency & Disaster Environment

Regenerative Communities Pilot Report

By: Flourish Kia Puāwai
Published: 2024-04-29

This report tells the story of a project to explore using a regenerative approach to community-building. The pilot aimed to both learn and practice how to undertake regeneration with and…

Community Development Environment
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