
ANZTSR 2014 Resilient Leadership Amidst Complexity

By: Margy-Jean Malcolm
Published: 2014-11-07

This paper draws on recent research which was grounded in theory-building with civil society practitioners in two Aotearoa NZ leadership learning contexts (Malcolm, 2014) to draw out their tacit wisdom…continue reading

Action Research Community Development Leadership

Civil Society Leadership as Learning

By: Margy-Jean Malcolm
Published: 2014-10-13

The “leader” word often brings to mind strong, decisive, visionary individuals. Yet this assumption stops many from ever thinking of themselves as leaders. This PhD thesis explores an understanding of…continue reading

Community Development Education & Training Leadership

Learning to play jazz: adaptive community leadership for turbulent times

By: Margy-Jean Malcolm
Published: 2010-11-01

This paper discusses mindsets, competencies and attitudes of community leadership. Metaphors such as playing jazz are used to normalise the complexity of community sector work and starfish to emphasise the…continue reading

Community Development Leadership Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

The State of the Art in the Asia/Pacific region: a view from the edge

By: Margy-Jean Malcolm
Published: 2006-03-01

This presentation formed part of an international panel discussion on the state of not for profit management education across the world, at a conference in Arizona, United States in March…continue reading

Community Development Education & Training Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Ripples in the pond: assessing the impact of a growing NFP management programme in NZ and the Pacific

By: Margy-Jean Malcolm
Published: 2006-03-01

Progress on the development of research examining the impact of Unitec NZ’s Graduate Diploma in Not for Profit Management.

Education & Training Non-profit Sector Pacific Peoples
Non-profit Sector

More than the warp and the weft – growing the strength of the whole cloth

By: Margy-Jean Malcolm
Published: 2006-10-01

Information, knowledge and wisdom for the learning NGO, capacity building & roles.

Community Development Non-profit Sector
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