Whānau Ora

Hei Tikitiki: Māori Rites of Passage & Youth Development

By: Manu Caddie & Michael Ross

Summarises interviews with Kaumātua/Kuia from different rohe about their experiences of the transition to adulthood. Included in the report is a literature review on the subject of rites of passage…continue reading

Tamariki Whānau Hapu Iwi
Te Ao Māori

Hei Tikitiki: Māori Rites of Passage & Youth Development

By: Manu Caddie & Michael Ross
Published: 2011-01-01

Summarises interviews with kaumatua/kuia from different rohe about their experiences of the transition to adulthood. Included in the report is a literature review on the subject of rites of passage…continue reading

Children & Youth Families, Whānau and Parenting Māori
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