People and Society

Creating change: Mobilising New Zealand communities to prevent family violence

By: Sheryl Hann & Cristy Trewartha
Published: 2015-05-31

New Zealand, like many other countries, is searching for effective ways to turn the tide on the problem of family violence.a The enormous costs to individuals, communities and society are…continue reading

Community Development Family Violence & Abuse
People and Society

He awa whiria, braiding the rivers of kaupapa Māori and Western evidence on community mobilisation

By: Cristy Trewartha
Published: 2020-05-31

E Tū Whānau (ETW) is a transformative Kaupapa Māori strategy which has been working to mobilise communities to address violence within whānau since 2008. This article explores the relationship between…continue reading

Community Development Family Violence & Abuse
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