
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Gordon Cessford

I was the lead Social Scientist at the Department of Conservation for many years. Work there involved outdoor recreation participation and development; tourism impacts, benefits and development; physical impacts on…continue reading

Robyn Barry

As a mature student, I completed my PhD research on a shared social housing model for older women. It was a challenge to be operating both in and for the…continue reading

Carolyn Cordery (Dr)

Carolyn Cordery’s research interests are focused on Not for Profit accounting and accountability, incorporating financial and non-financial reporting, regulation, and governance. She is an Adjunct Professor at Victoria University and…continue reading

Jude Varcoe

Sixteen years of practical research experience. Quantitative: telephone surveys, online surveys, intercept and face to face surveys, mail surveys. Qualitative: in-depth interviews, focus groups, mini groups and paired interviews

Pania Tui Coote

Māori Health, Social Welfare, Community Development. Master of Social Welfare, Otago University.

Aileen Davidson

Indigenous issues, international development, cross-cultural communication, former refugee settlement, education. Master of Indigenous Studies, Otago, Master of Development Studies, Victoria, Dip TESOL, Victoria, Dip Ed, Victoria, BA, Otago.

Sue Elliott

Community development, refugees, migrants, human rights. Msc (distinction), BEd.

Beatrice Hale

Research into: * grassroots experience of quality care in care facilities * experience of Canterbury earthquake and relocation to Otago care facilities * transitional experiences of family carers (see Aotearoa…continue reading

Liz Gordon

Managing Director, Pukeko Research Ltd. We do research across the education, social services and justice sectors. I research in the areas of law and justice, sexual harm, alcohol harm, wahine…continue reading

Patricia Hanlen

Voluntary sector, leadership, child protection, student placement, teaching and supervision. Key publications: P. A. Hanlen (2002). Altruistic Leaders—Voices of Women in Voluntary Organizations. Master’s Thesis in Massey University Library, National…continue reading

Rachael Trotman

Fifteen years social and sustainability research and evaluation for all sectors

Victoria Quade

Community broadcasting & cross-cultural adult education.

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