Bev Tso Hong

Bev is a social policy researcher whose work has spanned a wide range of social sector portfolios. She is the Kaitūhono, Ethnic Research Engagement Lead at Community Research, actively involved in Chinese community initiatives in Aotearoa, and a Principal researcher at Kōtātā Insight Limited. Bev has a strong focus on approaches that strengthen and affirm positive societal values and wellbeing including a focus on the role of arts and culture in society, sense of belonging, and bridging across diverse perspectives. In 2020, she co-led an anti-racism/pro-diversity art-based community initiative which spotlighted the diversity of Chinese communities in Aotearoa ( Last year, she helped design and organise the Ethnic Research Aotearoa Hui 2023 as a member of the organising committee. 

Community Research


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