Our People

Moana Moran

Kaitūhono - Research Sector Engagement and Projects Lead

Moana is an advocate for social change through creative mediums. Their background is in Anthropology and Narrative Design, using the power of stories in interactive platforms (like video games) to explore empathy and understanding of what it’s like to live as the ‘Other’ (or, how to ‘play a day in my shoes’). They are the Director of Path Weaver Productions, a storytelling studio that makes games that have a positive social impact.

At Community Research, Moana’s role is as a Kaitūhono – a connector. Their role is to connect you to our organisation, to other researchers, and to the incredible resources which reflect, support, and uplift our communities. Moana sees research as one of many methods which keep the lifeblood of our communities moving and sending knowledge and mātauranga across the motu. 

Pronouns – they/them

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