Our People

Dr Arpita Das


PhD Social Work | MA Social Work | Manaaki Tāngata Certificate in Bicultural Social Services

Tēnā koutou katoa

Ko Arpita Das tōku ingoa

E ono ngā tau e noho nei au ki Aotearoa.

E whā ngā tau e noho nei au ki Pōneke.

Nō Inia au

Ko Assamese tōku iwi

E noho ana au i raro i te maru o Tangi Te Keo (Mount Victoria)

I tipu ake au au i raro i te maunga Sivaliks.

Ko Brahmaputra rātou ko Yamuna, ko Ganga, ko Mithi ngā awa i whāngaihia au.

He mihi tēnei ki te mana whenua, tēnā koutou

Arpita is a researcher who has worked across public policy, sustainability, gender, indigenous knowledge, climate change, family violence and digital governance. Arpita has worked for over 15 years across Government, industry, not for profits and academia in Asia Pacific and brings a unique worldview of the Global South. She holds PhD in Social Work from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai which is the oldest school of Social Work in South Asia. As an academic researcher, Arpita has published extensively in peer reviewed journals most notably the British Journal of Social Work, where she also serves as a reviewer.

Arpita is passionate about ethnography and participatory methods to ensure that research is empowering, and community led. She strives to build meaningful relationships to further research and believes that research and policy should work for people and not the other way round.

Arpita is a Senior Advisor at Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission and a Trustee for Trade Aid Wellington. Arpita loves travelling to see the diversity of the world and appreciate the shared values of people.

She is a proud Ma (mum) to an energetic infant.

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