A round up of the community research that you can find on www.whanauoraresearch.co.nz, eight items from people like you in our sector.
‘The PATH Planning Tool and its Potential for Whānau Research.’ This paper outlines use of the PATH in Māori communities in Aotearoa New Zealand by Kataraina Pipi over the past eight years. Download here
‘Developing a Kaupapa Maori Framework for Whānau Ora.’ Te Korowai has been developed from seven interconnecting themes raised by hui with kaumātua and represents the concepts and practicalities of Whānau Ora. Download here
‘Talanoa Research Methodology: A developing position on Pacific research.’ This paper contributes to the theorising on Pacific research approaches from a personal and Tongan perspective. Download here
‘Marae based Whānau Ora PATH Planning.’ A presentation by Kataraina Pipi and Kim Whaanga-Kipa about the marae based Whānau Ora PATH Planning. Download here
‘Mahi Aroha: Māori Perspectives on Volunteering and Cultural Obligations.’ Volunteering for Māori is based on the notion of whanaungatanga (kinship) and the benefits derived from contributing to the common good. Within Māori culture, conceptions of self are linked to aspects of nature, wairua, mauri, whānau and mana, and all are intertwined. Download here
‘Factors that help or hinder Community Economic Development.’ The purpose of this paper is to look back over the three years of Community Economic Development Action Research (CEDAR) project and share some of the learnings with policy makers and with those engaged in community economic development work. Download here
‘Implementing Working for Families: the impact of the policy on selected Māori whānau.’ This paper presents an analysis of the qualitative data collected for a study investigating the effect of the Working for Families policy on Māori families’ self-reported whānau ora (family wellbeing). Download here
‘Tipping the balance: An analysis of the impact of the Working for Families Policy on Māori Whānau.’ An evaluation of Working for Families with a specific focus on its impact on Māori. Download here