What do the Amplify Action Enquiry into the needs and best practice approaches for 9-13 year olds in the West Auckland suburbs of McLaren Park and Henderson South, The Effectiveness of Family Violence Intervention Services Delivered by DOVE Hawkes Bay Inc and Ageing in Place in Golden Bay: An investigation into the population in Golden Bay and what they need to be able to ‘Age in Place’ have in common?
They were all generously funded by the Lottery Community Sector Research Committee and then uploaded to Community Research.
Applications for the next round are now open for submission. The closing date is Wednesday 21 August 2013. Please note that this is the only closing date offered each year.
The committee are looking for applications from community organisations, to enable them to:
- undertake research for the communities they serve
- grow and improve the community knowledge base
- apply new knowledge to their operations
- strengthen organisations research capacity and capability
- strengthen the practice of Māori-centred and kaupapa Māori research
For more information please go to the Community Matters website.