Kia Ora, I am currently working as the Senior Mentoring Coordinator at Pillars, supporting children and youth with parents in prison. I am passionate about transformative justice and community/youth development.…continue reading
Ko Dr Leane Makey ahau. Ko Ngāti Pākehā te iwi. Ko Hoteo te awa. Ko Kaipara te moana. Ko Atuanui te maunga. Kei Kaipara Flats te kainga. I am a…continue reading
Kia ora. I am a researcher and change strategist who specialises in supporting communities, NGOs and government to develop, implement and measure community-based approaches to prevent family and sexual violence.…continue reading
Dr Terryann Clark is a registered comprehensive nurse with extensive experience in youth health, community health, sexual health, health promotion, youth mental health and Māori health. She works part time…continue reading