
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Corrina Dixon

Kia Ora, I am currently working as the Senior Mentoring Coordinator at Pillars, supporting children and youth with parents in prison. I am passionate about transformative justice and community/youth development.…continue reading

Leane Makey

Ko Dr Leane Makey ahau. Ko Ngāti Pākehā te iwi. Ko Hoteo te awa. Ko Kaipara te moana. Ko Atuanui te maunga. Kei Kaipara Flats te kainga. I am a…continue reading

Cristy Trewartha (Dr)

Kia ora. I am a researcher and change strategist who specialises in supporting communities, NGOs and government to develop, implement and measure community-based approaches to prevent family and sexual violence.…continue reading

Terryann Clark

Dr Terryann Clark is a registered comprehensive nurse with extensive experience in youth health, community health, sexual health, health promotion, youth mental health and Māori health. She works part time…continue reading

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