
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Ritu Parna Roy (Dr)

Ritu is a Research Fellow at Te Ngira: Institute for Population Research, University of Waikato. At Te Ngira, she is working on multiple projects with the WERO (Working to End…continue reading

Phoebe Lee

Elise Sterback

Elise Sterback is a recently confirmed PhD candidate with the Centre for Art and Social Transformation, supervised by Peter O’Connor. She returns to study after ten years working in Aotearoa’s…continue reading

Jane Moloney

A wide range of experience supporting improved equity of physical and mental health and wellbeing in wide range of initiatives, programs and services including: • primary health care • social…continue reading

Leane Makey

Ko Dr Leane Makey ahau. Ko Ngāti Pākehā te iwi. Ko Hoteo te awa. Ko Kaipara te moana. Ko Atuanui te maunga. Kei Kaipara Flats te kainga. I am a…continue reading

Bobby Luke

Dr. Bobby Luke (Ngāti Ruanui), is part of the fresh vanguard of Fashion designers and researchers that demonstrate decolonial constructs of western fashion ‘Making’ and de-centralizing western design theory, emphasizing…continue reading

Mary Liya Antony

Dr. Liya Antony is currently working as Kaiako at Te Wānanga O Aotearoa. She completed her PhD in Social Work at the University of Auckland. Her PhD was a qualitative…continue reading

Shabnam Jalili-Moghaddam

Rand Hazou

Rand Hazou is a Senior Lecturer in Theatre at Massey University. His research explores theatre engaging with rights and social justice. His research interests are applied theatre, refugee theatre and…continue reading

Agustina Marianacci

My name is Agustina and I’m an Argentinian English-Spanish professional translator and interpreter. I completed an undergraduate translation degree at the National University of Córdoba (Argentina) before moving to Aotearoa…continue reading

Nadia Charania

Nadia’s background is in health and environmental sciences and she completed her doctoral studies at the University of Waterloo in Canada in 2014. She primarily teaches at the postgraduate level…continue reading

Julie Wharewera-Mika

Julie Wharewera-Mika (DClinPsy; Ngāti Awa, Ngāi Tuhoe, Te Whānau-a-Apanui) is a Director, Senior Clinical Psychologist and Kaupapa Researcher with Manu Ārahi – The Flying Doctors (Kaupapa Māori Psychology & Research…continue reading

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