Raylyn Christian Kaitohutohu Mātua Whakapā ( Communications)
Ko Te Aroha raua ko Moehau ōku maunga,
Ko Waihou tōku awa,
Ko Ngāti Maru, rātou ko Huarere, ko Te Rarawa ōku iwi.
Nō uri ahau o Hamiora Mangakahia raua ko Meri Te Tai,
Ko Ray tāku ingoa.

Kia ora,
I am the communications lead at Community Research. I have been with this company for close to two years, it is a great place to work with a unique and special purpose of holding and sharing research for the community led by the community. It’s exciting to be a the forefront of new knowledge and research. In 2023 we created two critical collections of research and created a whole new set of incredible webinars. This year we are releasing another amazing set of webinars, collaborating with Te Tiriti Based futures for their 10-day event and releasing a brand new set of podcasts on Te Tiriti.
Currently, I am engaged in research exploring the role of Māori leadership during the late 1900s, with a particular focus on uncovering insights into the evolving role of wāhine Māori. This inquiry has prompted a profound examination of both the differences and similarities in the societal roles of women within a merging landscape of two distinct cultures.
One of my primary inquiries revolves around understanding why wāhine Māori often exhibited a particular interest in comprehending political matters, potentially in contrast to their European counterparts. Through this research, I aspire to contribute to the empowerment of rangatahi Māori, particularly wāhine, within our iwi. Additionally, I hope to shed light on historical narratives that may explain factors contributing to the disproportionate incarceration rates among Māori wāhine. Is this a question of continued cultural miscommunication?
These last few months have been an intense time with the constitutional challenges presented by our current government. Particularly concerning our rights to exist as indigenous people for Māori, as agreed upon in Te Tiriti, the Fair Pay Act affecting our wages and the proposed threats to our environment.
As a wahine Māori descending from two Te Tiriti signatories, and staunch Te Kotahitanga leaders, this period of questining has affected me deeply. I find myself seeking moments of hope and one of those moments was that so many tangata tiriti and tauiwi clearly showed their support for Te Tiriti and tangata whenua. Also heartening for me was the commitment to tikanga in the manaakitanga shown by Nga Puhi towards the crown, so open to intelligent debate and exemplary in their manaaki, also towards the thousands of manuhiri that travelled to the Waitangi grounds.
My hope for 2024 is that we stick together to forge a sustainable and healthy future for Aotearoa.
ngā mihi nui
#toitūtetiriti #freePalestine