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Community Research eNews

We release an eNews monthly to let you know our upcoming events, latest research and other community happenings across Aotearoa. If you haven’t signed up for our eNews sign up…

Telling the stories of our researcher whānau with Bev Tso Hong

Meeting Bev is a pleasure, she exudes intelligence and joy. She has conducted significant community research over the years, and we have found her experience invaluable. We wanted to know…

Tautoko sessions second informal hui for refugee and ethnic-migrant background researchers in Aotearoa 2023.

Hear From Us, Not About Us: (Re)connection for refugee and ethnic-migrant background researchers Following our launch of the powerful collection, “Hear from us, not about us: The power of refugee-background…

Te Auaha Pito Mata – New and Emerging Researcher Awards 2023

Community Research researcher awards are held bi-annually. They focus on recognising and celebrating new and emerging researchers and their contribution to a healthy, engaged and informed Tangata Whenua, Community and…

Te Auaha Pito Mata – 2023 New and Emerging Researchers Awards

Community Research encourage nominations for the 2023 Te Auaha Pito Mata Awards – New and Emerging Community Researcher Awards. These awards are about encouraging and valuing community research and supporting…

Telling the story of our researcher whānau – Madeline Shelling

Madeline Shelling from Ihi research talks to Community Research about her motivation for re-indigenising research to improve outcomes for whanau.

Third informal hui for refugee and ethnic-migrant background researchers in Aotearoa

Hear From Us, Not About us: (Re)connection for refugee and ethnic-migrant background researchers ‘Hear from us, not about us: The power of refugee-background research‘. Following our launch of this powerful…

Second informal hui for refugee and migrant background researchers in Aotearoa

Following our September webinar, ‘Hear from us, not about us: The power of refugee-background research‘, Community Research is hosting a second online informal networking hui for researchers and evaluators from refugee-background…

Knowledge Collision Symposium

We are co-designing a symposium in 2022 with the sector. In the realm of knowledge, what needs validating and how? How can we ensure research benefits communities? And how do…

Te Auahatia: Community Research and Evaluation Social Network Programme 2020

Community Research: Connecting and Exploring Community Expressions of Knowledge.  Community Research hosted a series of three researcher/evaluator events in 2020. Kei te mihi nui ki a koutou: our speakers, hosts…

Community Research


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