“Speaking at the Child Aware Approaches Conference in Melbourne (11-12 April 2013), Julie Collins, Minister for Community Services, said the Australian Government would be providing $810,000 to assist communities to better manage the impact of child abuse and neglect.
Funding will build on the momentum of the existing Child Aware Approaches initiative – a project to develop a Good Practice Guide and a set of principles to promote child safety in the wider community. Ms Collins announced that the non-government sector would drive the project over the next four years in an “unprecedented level of cooperation and commitment between all levels of government and non-government organisations”.
A further $300,000 will be invested to build upon a new web-based resource that will be developed in partnership with the Australian Institute of Family Studies. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Promising Practice Profiles is a platform for sharing useful tools and positive experiences of working in Indigenous child and family sensitive practices.”
The Australian Institute of Family Studies is home to a wealth of research including practices around working with at-risk families and young people.
For more about the conference, including a video of Megan Mitchell, National Children’s Commissioner, click here.