Australian Evaluation Society 2013 Conference


2013 Conference Support Grants for Emerging Indigenous Evaluators 
The AES is pleased to invite applications from emerging Indigenous evaluators from across the Australasian and Pacific region for support to participate in the AES Annual International Conference.
Am I eligible to apply?
There are a number of eligibility requirements and assessment criteria. Please download the application information sheet and assessment criteria to determine whether you are eligible to apply for a grant.
Please send requests by 13 May 2013 to Bill Wallace, at the AES office, at marked “CSG’s Request for Support”
For the full five steps for applying click here.
Save the date – 2-6 September, 2013. Brisbane
Australian Evaluation Society 2013 International Conference
Evaluation shaping a better future: Priorities, pragmatics, promise and power
This year’s theme challenges us to reflect critically on the work of evaluation today and what that means for tomorrow. It provokes questions such as: What is the value of evaluation in bringing about sustainable change? Is the theory and practice of evaluation keeping up with the challenge to demonstrate impact and worth? In summary, the thematic topics are (click here for full details):

  • Thinking of priorities: Socio-economic, cultural and environmental issues intersect with rapid technological, demographic and geo-political changes and challenges.
  • Being pragmatic: In a world grappling with severe financial dilemmas some governments are stimulating growth while others are stringently reducing costs.
  • Reflecting on promises: In a world that looks for simple answers to stubborn challenges there is strong pressure to deliver workable solutions.
  • Harnessing power: Achieving positive and sustainable change requires addressing power imbalances.

Early bird offer closes 29 May 2013
Registrations closes 26 August 2013
More here

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