Illustration: Izzy Joy

Ko te hōkai-nuku
Ko te hōkai-rangi
Ko te hōkai ā tō tupuna
a Tānenuiarangi

Our Whakataukī Explained Here

Nau mai haere mai

Whakatairangatia i te mana o te rangahau ā-hāpori me te mahi tahi
Upholding the mana of community knowledge – together

Community Research is a trusted online hub that supports and champions community-led research and knowledge making.

Ko ta mātou whakakitenga he Aotearoa e tōkeke ana, e whai kiko ana, e whakamohio mai ana e te mātauranga hapori.
Our vision is a more equitable, engaged and inclusive Aotearoa informed by community knowledge.

Our Mission: Communities in Aotearoa are rich in diverse knowledge.
Our role is to amplify community research and share it with others to bring about positive change.

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